Captains Noon Report – Explorer – 2018-05-24

Location: Roca Partida
Weather: Winds nne 10 Swell n 4-6 Water Temp 73-77

Little overcast skies but better from yesterday. The winds have died down but we still a little swell that keeps the boat rocking some. Good start to the day. Guests were treated to a range of sharks that came in numbers this morning along the north. Guests counted up to 19 Galapagos sharks at one time with silver tips, silkies and a hammerhead mixed in. First dive had a manta coming in close and the second dive guests saw two and one of them really came in for a long stay. We have half of the guests taking pictures this week and the mantas have been very photogenic. Only the Rocio Del Mar joins us at the rock and we are not getting in each other’s way. Guests really enjoyed the morning dives with all the shark action.
– Capt. Lowel

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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