Captain’s Noon Report- Belle Amie – 2018-05-30

Location:Roca Partida 18.59.30N – 112.04.99W
Status:anchored in 220FT
Weather:water temperature 72F, visibility about 85FT and dropping, light breeze from the nw, and a light current also running to the south

It is been a good day so far in Roca Partida lots of cotton mouth, tunas, huge school of bonitos, galapagos, silkies, and few silver tips, the balconies are full of white tip sharks, and some of the cleaning stations are busy with the leather bass and other fish getting cleaned, sharing the site with the NUS.

-Captain Beto

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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