Captains Noon Report – Explorer – 2018-05-31

Location: at the Canyon San Benedicto
Weather: Winds NW 10 -14 Swell W 1-3

Good start to our charter. First dive was packed with all things that a diver wants. We had two mantas, an all black and one chervon come in for our divers. The all black manta was very friendly and stuck around our guests for quite some time. We also had dolphins swimming with the groups. A new dolphin has been the attraction for the past couple of weeks. The dolphins came right up and passed a few times, so the divers were able to get plenty of pictures. Silver and white tip sharks hung out by the cleaning station while a group of three hammerheads were seen. Guest really enjoy their first dive in the Revillagigedos. Second dive was nice as well. The current picked up going from east to west which brought around a big school of hammerheads. Guests were able to see them just off the rocks in the blue. Another manta at the end of the dive and a large octopus. We are headed over to the Boiler right now, as we heard that our sister ship, the Belle Amie had a wonderful morning with whale sharks, tiger shark and plenty of mantas. We have to get in on the action and not let them have all the glory! A lot of the guests are more Caribbean style divers and not use to colder waters and thicker wet suits. Guests & crew are all happy!
– Capt. Lowel

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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