Captain’s Noon Report- Belle Amie – 2018-06-24

Location:Underway from Roca Oneal to Punta Tosca: N 18 48.5 W 111 04
Weather:80-100′ vis, very little current, 75-80 degree water

Underway from Roca Oneal to Punta Tosca.Sunny skies. Roca Partida was a bit quiet yesterday afternoon, but overall a great two days of diving. We spent the morning diving at Roca Oneal. Awesome dives this morning. Everyone got to dive with dolphins, but to top it off we had mantas, false killer whales and hammerheads, sometimes all at the same time. We are headed to Punta Tosca for our last dive today.

-Captain Graham

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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