Captain’s Noon Report – UnderSea – 2018-07-29

Location:At anchor at Guadalupe Island. Lat 29 08.05N Long 118 17.10W
Status:in 210 ft depth
Weather:Wind and sea are calm. Good vis 100ft plus. Water temp 68F. No current

Yesterday we had a very smooth ride, winds change direction from the sw just 10 NM before we arrived in Guadalupe, even rain and some lighthing. Arrived at Guadalupe around 2200 hrs. We put the cages on the water after drop the anchor and there were some guests watching the maneuvering show. Today we started at 0600 hrs and after 10 min that the first bait get in to the water, the first shark come up, it was a juvnile shrak around 10 ft long. The morning started good even with one breach of one shark, surface action has been moderate and on submersible cages have seen 3 diferents sharks, 2 female and one male, one of the females is big aorund 15 ft and we are trying to identify her. So far so good, guests are happy.

-Captain Vicente

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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