Captains Noon Report – Explorer – 2018-07-31

Location: Guadalupe Island
Status: Vis 60 feet Ahhh
Weather: Air Temp 72 Water Temp 70

Between Monkey Face and Sweet Spot, we are East Guadalupe Island with overcast skies. We had a great shark presentation last night and the guests know how to tell the sex of the shark. Following the informative presentation to retreated to the sun deck for a wonderful street taco night dinner under the stars of Guadalupe island. Most people live in areas where they can’t enjoy the night sky filled with stars but we are treated to a pristine night sky on the boat. We started out the day with a curious shark swimming at the surface this morning, while we were getting the cages ready. Guests jumped in and we have had 3 – 4 sharks constantly around the boat. We have a large male and female circle at the baits from the wrangling platform. Twice today we have had a shark breach half way out of the water. The sharks have gotten wise to our wrangling and are coming straight up from the deep to ambush our bait. Guests cheered as the behemoth sharks launch themselves into the air. Guests are really excited!! A touching moment we had yesterday was when Luca, age 7 and his father Juan Carlos from Nicaragua were in the surface cage together. A large male shark, 10 plus feet, swam right past the cage then did a quick turn back and stop with it’s snout point right in the cage just a few feet away from the young adventurer Luca. The shark paused for a few seconds then continued on its way past the cage. Young Luca sprung into his father’s arms and gave his dad a huge underwater hug after the shark had passed and thanked his father for bringing him to see the sharks. His father couldn’t be more happy and proud to share that moment with his son. It’s good to be here.
– Capt. Lowel

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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