Captains Noon Report – Under Sea – 2018-08-26

Location: Lat 29 08.13N Long 118 17.08W Wind from NW 10-12 kts
Weather: Completely overcast sky. Air Temp 77F
Status: At Sea underway to Ensenada

We had a nice finish yesterday with two medium sized sharks constantly coming to the back deck, passing around cages and attacking the bait. Guests were able to enjoy dives until the very last minute before having to pack up to make our way back into Ensenada. One of the highlights from the day was a baby Guadalupe fur seal that came around the bow of the boat and a shark chasing the seal trying to eat him. There was a moment that we thought that the shark got the seal, but the little guy escaped from the sharks mouth and swam right next to the boat to have a little shelter. At the end baby seal swam away to the island. We think that the seal reached the shore safely.

– Capt. Vicente

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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