Captain’s Noon Report-Under Sea – 2018-10-28

Location:Pos by GPS Lat N 29 08.14 Long W 118 17.08.
Status:At anchor On Guadalupe Island on 250 ft depth
Weather: Clear-blue- sky 2/8, Cu 3/8, CiSt3/8, Wind: S/2-4 knts, Swell: Nill. Current from North-South about 1 knts, Sea temp: 70-F, Visibility: +100 ft.

We start this morning very slow, we saw 1 shark. About 12:00 hrs “Lucy” and other unidentified female came around the ship but not too much cooperative, almost they are swimming a little bit deep but as well occasionally they came on the surface looking for the baits. Guests are enjoying the day, and they prefer dive in the surface cage, just a couple of them want to dive in the submersible cage.

-Captain Julio Cesar

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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