Captain’s Noon Report – Explorer – 2018-11-26

Location: Boiler, San Benedicto Island
Weather: Wind NW 8-12 Seas WNW 4-6 Air Temp 76F Water Temp 78F Vis 30-60ft

Had a nice crossing from Roca Partida to San Benedicto last night. We pulled into the rock just east of the Boiler to find some protection from the swell. We were the first to arrive then the another boat came in 15 minutes after. We kept our usual schedule and on the first dive we had a few mantas at the beginning but left fairly quickly. Eduard thinks he saw a Tiger Shark and we had some hammer head sightings as well that were confirmed. Second dive was better, the viability on the first dive was about 30-40 feet then it opened up more to 60-70 feet on the second dive with 3-5 mantas around the guests. They were coming and going and every was very happy to see them up close. We are staying here for the afternoon then heading to the Canyon to start the day tomorrow.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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