Captain’s Noon Report – Explorer – 2018-12-14

Location: San Benedicto, The Boiler
Weather: Partly cloudy with sun, wind 5-10knots

Dive #1: was reported to be amazing. We are encountering some dynamic wave action for loading skiffs but current in minimal on the site. Under water the conditions were very good with 30+M of visibility and 26C water temp. Up to 5 different mantas reported, including an all black, and numerous dolphins were on the site as well. Hammer heads were also sighted, as well as a large Galapagos. The last group to surface had several mantas close up and personal for about 15 min prior to surfacing. all thumbs up as the skiffs returned to the ship, and broad smiles to start the last dive day. Dive #2 was also great, despite visibility closing in to 10-20M near the edge of the boiler, due to wave action across the top of the structure, and minimal current. Water temp was steady at 26C. There were again up to three mantas spotted by each group and the all black manta still circling the site. The exciting addition to this dive was a fairly large tiger shark, very close up!

– Capt. Aaron

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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