Location: 129′ to Cabo San Lucas, 20 47.5N Long 110 23.7W
Weather: partly sunny 5/10, winds subsided to 5 knots NNW Seas 3-5′ swell
Today we are in transit north bound for Cabo. The guests enjoyed a fine breakfast, and have been lounging in salon, or sun deck, and participating in transfer process to ensure an organized departure from the vessel on Sunday morning. Yesterdays afternoon dives were both fantastic with mantas continuing to interact with the divers and on last dive the tiger shark continued to make appearances. We shifted anchorages at sunset to the sheltered bay at El Canyon, next to the Belle Amie, and enjoyed a wonderful BBQ steak dinner prepared by our chef. Chef Steve received a round of applause from the guests while making his rounds of the tables, and I was told during my dinner briefing ” this was the best steak I’ve had in my life”, By one of our Monterey Aquarium Divers group. That is quite the statement! All guests are very happy! and the crew are doing great!
– Capt. Aaron