Location: roca partida, 18.59.59N – 112.05.16W
Status: sitting in about 220Ft,
Weather conditions today are nice, overcast sky but enough sunlight and it is getting sunnier as time goes by, the two morning dives delivered some good action, the balconies in the east side were empty, all the white tips sharks are on the move they seem to be hunting along with the galapagos and silver tip sharks, all are after the cotton mouth jacks and the action is packed and concentrated in the south side of the rock, there are also tons of horse eyed jacks, yellow fin tunas and lots more to see, guests are happy. Today the wind was a bit crazy it shifts from Nw to Ne, current is light the swell feel big if you get close to the rock, water temperature is 77F and visibility is 80Ft, after the second dive as we pulled the last diver out of the water a pod of false killer whales went by all guests rushed back in the water some were able to see them…. apart from all the fish mentioned the highlight of the dive have been a huge chevron manta swimming around the rock, both dive, very friendly.
– Capt. Beto