Captain’s Noon Report – Explorer – 2018-12-19

Location: Socorro Isla, Cabo Pearce
Weather: Sunshine with partial cloud 29C on dive deck in the shade
Status: Anchor in 103′ .29′ from the point, and .19′ from Valentina

Beautiful sunrise in Bahai Braulai with calm wind in the morning increasing to 5-7knots this afternoon. Dive 1 was conducted at 1045 due to Naval inspection at Mexican Navy Base first thing in the morning. Our divers enjoyed the luxury of sleeping in while the inspection was conducted and leisurely breakfast before the real activity started. The first skiff coming in from the site was oddly quiet, but I received thumbs up in response to my thumbs up. A hush was over our divers as we unloaded. Once dive gear was unloaded, and the guests became vocal, apparently all were a little shocked by the 2 mantas circling them for the dive while several dolphins played with and pursed the Mantas. “I just didn’t know where to look.” was heard actually a couple times as the divers checked their gear and dressed down. This quote seems to be a common theme this Socorro season so far, and a good one at that. All three groups experienced this amazing interaction between marine life, and all are very pleased. The current did pick up through the dive and viability was good reported at 30M- but in some areas decreasing to as little as 10-15M near end of dive. With the current we hope the schooling hammerhead make an appearance and clear blue water is pushed into the site. Yesterday afternoon we conducted two more dives at San Benedicto, in vicinity of “El Canyon” with wave action wrapping around from the windward side caused some patchy areas of reduced visibility 30-40′ (10-15M) however 50-65′ (17-20M) reported in areas near the blue. Fortunately, the animals stayed close by including several mantas, silver tips, silky sharks, hammerheads, and a very large Galapagos some said was near the size of the tiger shark spotted in the morning.

– Capt. Aaron

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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