Captain’s Noon Report – Explorer – 2018-12-27

Location: Socorro Island, Punta Tosca anchor in 94′ .14′ off in Turtle Bay
Weather: Sunshine and partial cloud

We weighed anchor at Bahia Braulia and proceeded to the Naval Base first thing this morning. Our inspection was very efficiently conducted by Mexican navy and we were under way towards Punta Tosca for our first dive. The first dive was excellent for most of our divers. The visibility was excellent 200′ plus reported. One Diver said he had not seen water this clear even in the Caribbean. Water temp was 77-78F. The first group in saw a couple sharks (possibly Galapagos), large lobsters, and reported a moderate current to start that subsided during the dive. The Second and third group had good Manta interaction as well as a large Sea turtle join them briefly. The third group took the glory, with Great Manta interaction being interrupted by a curious Dolphin who came within feet of the group at about 4 M down, then rocketed up and preformed a full breach before shooting back down past the divers and away. We are certainly looking forward to the next dive. Yesterday afternoon we conducted two dives at El Funderero which were both solid dives despite the reduced visibility 30-50 feet. Each dive had good manta interaction along with several shark species sighted, and numerous reef fish.

Capt. Aaron

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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