Location:The Boiler,Pos by GPS Lat N 19 19.685, Long W 110 48.776
Status:105 feet deep
Weather:Viz+100 ft and temp 75 F.
We arrive earlier this morning, Cassiopea was at anchor at The Canyon and 1 hour latter she join us, made 1 dive and after that depart to the south, we are alone now. First dive was fantastic, very sunny day, as per our guests says. They saw a group of dolphins, around 20 individuals and they stay for a long time on the dive site, as well, 1 black and 1 chevron mantas was there, galapagos sharks, black tip sharks and hammerhead sharks. Second dive was a lit of bit lazy, just 1 black manta almost at the end.Our guests are so happy this day. Yesterday at Roca Partida was awesome, the last two dives our divers can saw school of hammerhead sharks +30 individuals, galapagos sharks and silver tips sharks including 1 chevron manta.
-Captain Julio Cesar