Captains Noon Report – Belle Amie – 2019-01-19

Location: anchored by the canyon
Weather: winds e 8-12 seas 0-1 swell 2-3 clear skies

We have arrived back to san benedicto. Did one dive at the boiler this morning, good dive with mantas and dolphins, but the swell was picking up so we decided it would be safer to go to the canyon. Vis was 70-80 ft, mild s’ly current, temps 75f. Here at the canyon vis is much lower, 30-40 ft. saw some mantas. wind outside the canyon is pretty strong, and chop and swell is has picked up. All guests and crew are doing good.
– Capt. TJ

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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