Location: Boiler, San Benedicto
Weather: Winds NNW 15-19 this morning dropping down to 12-15 as we speak Swell WNW 6-9 on first dive calming down to 5-7ft Vis 70 plus feet Water Temp 75-77f
We have had some great encounters with big animals in the last 48 hours. During our afternoon session at Roca Partida the other day we had false killer whales making wide circles around the rock. We had a good number of guests hop in the water and let the big black torpedo shaped cetaceans click and swim right under the group. Yesterday at Roca Oneal and Punta Tosca we had a tiger shark sighting at both sites. The one tiger at Punta Toca passed right below us following the laval finger into the depths. First Dive Today – Little rough but underwater the guests had a wonderful time. Ten minutes after the guests jumped in the water the mantas came. Five mantas, both black and chevrons alike swam circles and synced in perfectly under water into a flying formation. The guests were amazed. We had a pod of ten dolphins that came up to some of the guests. Guests couldn’t be more happier. Second Dive- Five more mantas that stayed with the guests all the way up to their safety spot. One group was lucky enough to see yet again another Tiger shark. Guests are having a wonderful time and enjoying their last few dives of a wonderful charter. We are going to do one more dive in the afternoon then head over to the Canyon to harass the Belle Amie (they’re our friends). Our divers weren’t so lucky on the this day at the Canyon because visibility was really bad. Want to leave a positive feeling about the dive site for the guests and maybe see some more hammer heads. In between dives I took some guests around the rocks for a small tour.
-Capt. Lowell