Location: Lat 18 47.5 N Long 111 03.7W N winds 6-8kts
Weather: Water temp 77F Vis 50-60 ft No current, seas N 2-3 ft + NW 5-6 ft Clear sky
Status: Underway to Punta Tosca
Arrived to Roca Oneal this morning. Good weather calm winds and a NW swell breaking at the rock. Did two dives there. Dives were slow regarding big animals, they only could see lobsters and reef fishes, and the incredible topography of Roca Oneal. There was no current,mid visibility, and warm water temp. Second dive was kind of the same plus they could see only one hammer head. Awei’s group had better luck, they could see 4 hammerheads and at their safety stop one dolphin came and started to play with them. Divers liked the site because of the topography and it was because it was a relaxing dive, but they want to see more big animals. Currently underway to Punta Tosca to do last dive and then going to Navy base for check in. Yesterday at Roca Partida dives were good, a lot of reef fishes, the school of jacks and tunas, galapagos sharks and silvertips, but no more hammerheads. Humpback whales breaching and passing 200 mts away from the boat. Everyone enjoyed the day at Roca Partida.
– Capt. Vicente