Location: Anchored at the boiler
Weather: Winds light from the NE, Swell 1-3 ft NW. Ocean temp 74F vis 70 ft.
Status: Sharing the site with the Undersea
We spent our morning diving at the Boiler and had good dives. Some groups saw hammerheads, another group saw a manta, and another saw a tiger. But overall, not much was seen in regards to large life. The weather is very hot and the sun has been out since it rose this morning. Guests are happy to explore another interesting dive site on San Benedicto. We also briefly saw some dolphins in the distance as well. Overall a slow start to the day, which some guests appreciated as we had a late end to taco fiesta under the stars last night, lots of wine, beer, and divemaster Mayo’s awesome margaritas were a hit! We are going to be heading back to the Canyon to finish our day off.
– Capt. Lowel