Location: Lat. 19 17.69N Long. 110 48.44W
Weather: Wind NNE 8-10 kts; Seas 1 ft N. Water temp 23C Vis 60+ ft Current to West
Status: At Anchor at Canyon. 80 ft depth
Two dives this morning. We made first dive at the canyon, Dive was good, divers were able to see a lot of sharks, Galapagos Silvertips, Duskies, and 2 hammerheads. There was a Galapagos as big as a tiger shark. Almost at the end of the dive a couple of dolphins showed up which made the dive even greater. Water temperature was little bit colder today than it had been in the past days at 23C. Second dive we did it at the South point, Manta Highway, was very good divers could see 6-7 Mantas and a tiger shark. Two more dives to go to finish the day and the trip. Sad to say goodbye.
– Capt Vicente