Captain’s Noon Report – Under Sea – 2019-03-30

Location: At Anchor at Punta Tosa, 95 ft depth.
Status: Lat. 18 46.84N, Long. 111 02.73W
Weather: Wind N 10-15 kts / Calm inside the bay / Sunny sky / Water temp 24C / Vis 60-65 ft / No Current

Arrived yesterday evening to Punta Tosca, after finishing at Cabo Pearce. First dive at Punta Tosca was good, One Big turtle at the beginning of the dive, one Hammerhead and one Manta that passed by the divers. Second dive 2 Hammerheads, a few small Galapagos and Silkies. Water temperature 24C and visability 60-65 ft on both dives. Yesterday afternoon at Cabo Pearce, it was pretty much the same as the morning, a few Hammerheads and Reef Whitetip sharks. In one of the dives one Black Manta played with divers for about 20 mins.

-Capt. Vicente

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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