Location: Cabo Pearce by .11′ off 104 feet of water
Weather: Sunny, few clouds 2/10 wind: 5knots in am 10 knots at noon. Sea: calm to 1-2′ chop at noon.
Diving : Dive 1 was very good with numerous interactive dolphins, some reef sharks and brief vision of a manta in distance. Visibility was milky near the point and increased to 30M on the lava finger, water temp reported at 26C and a mild current running south. Dive 2 was less exciting without the interactive dolphins however near the end half the divers encounters a couple inquisitive Mantas. Current increased to moderate for the dive running south and visibility was reported at 20-30M Yesterday afternoons dives at the Canyon were both very good, with continued manta and hammerhead encounters. We were joined by the Belle Amie for the afternoon. This afternoon we will continue to dive Cabo Pearce, and this evening we will conduct our Taco night fiesta.
– Capt. Aaron