Location: Isla Socorro, Punta Tosca
Weather: Calm to 1-2′ at noon.
We started out our day after a very peaceful run from Roca Partida over night to Socorro Navy Base. Our guests enjoyed a nice sleep in after a busy and wonderful 4 dives at Roca yesterday and were refreshed to commence diving at Punta Tosca. Dive 1 had good visibility 25-30M and almost no current. Unfortunately with the low current the big animal life was elusive. One group got close to a some schooling hammerheads but hose them, and the other groups saw a scattering of sharks; silkies and solo hammerheads. I received several comments about the beauty of the underwater terrain, and fortunately all the divers were happy with the dive despite it being slightly anti-climatic after the day at Roca. Current was picking up a little bringing in clearer water and hopefully some more big animals for the next dive.
– Capt. Aaron