Location: The Boiler, San Benedicto
Weather: cloudy sky, light breeze from the NW, 1-3ft NW wave action, today water temperature is 73F, visibility is 80FT
Status: 19.19.76N – 110.48.69W
We have done two dive so far. We are getting lots of mantas action, including a few playful dolphins, guests are happy. Yesterday, on our last dive of the day, we experience what sport scuba diving is all about, meaning if you are in the water you may get to see things but if you miss the dive then………… Anyways the previous dives were just fine, but the fourth was amazing as we had two whale sharks. Guests went bananas. They could not believe it, but yes, they spent the whole dive with the whale sharks. The markings, scars and size could not confuse the divers. They never saw them together but even some of the divemasters said there were two. Downside was to see some of the divers who missed the last dive because they said they had seen it all.
-Capt. Beto