Location:San Benedicto “the canyon” 19.17.74N – 110.48.40W,
Status: anchored in 70Ft of water
Weather:air temperature is 70F Ocean is 75F, no current.
Wind blowing 12kts NE so it feels at anchorage flat seas at the canyon for now, nice clear skies at the moment even when on the first dive we had heavy thick cloud action.The action today was slow in the first dive to then picked up on the second dive, before divers got in the water this morning dolphins were around the boat as a matter of fact it was hard during the briefing to get the divers attention as the dolphins kept coming under the belle amie hunting on the horse eyed jacks, luckily some of the guests saw them during their check out dive. Right after the first dive, a pod of false killer whales went by close to the boat, so off we went to see them up close we took skiffs with most of the guests. Second dive had a lot more as we had mantas,few galapagos and the cleaning station was loaded with silver tip sharks and to end up the dive some of us made it under the belle to do the safety stop, a silky shark was going around same as the jacks and bonitos, two more dives to go and guests can not really wait to get back in the water.
-Captain Beto