Captain’s Noon Report – Under Sea – 2019-05-06

Location: Roca Partida, 18.59.29N – 112.04.83W
Weather: Visibility is about 80Ft, temperature is 73F, air temperature 70F
Status: Anchored in 81 meters of water

Yesterday at the Boiler we enjoyed calm winds and sea for the last two dives. We were able to observe a lot of marine life including; silkys, galapagos, white tips and chevron blankets. Guest expectations have been met and they are happy to have come to enjoy this beautiful trip. Swell has proven to be no problem for the boat and everyone onboard. The dives have been really good today, on the first dive some of the divers had a 45 minute dive with the dolphins, then the one manta, then the galapagos, silver tips, white tip sharks, and silkies.

– Capt. Adrian

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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