Captain’s New Report – Belle Amie – 2019-05-08

Location: san benedicto (canyon)

Weather: skies with a nice mix of blues and whites, wind blows 14 kts nw

Status: 19.17.70N – 110.48.72W anchored in 50Ft of water

The two morning dives were good as we saw mantas, dolphins and some sharks. We had galapagos, silver tips, silkies and white tip sharks. Visibility is not that good, maybe 50FT, water is 75F and there is a mild current running pretty much to the east. Today we are sharing sites with five other boats, Socorro vortex, cassiopia, rocio del mar, NEX and NUS.

– Captain Beto

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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