Captain’s Noon Report – Explorer – 2019-05-17

Location: El Boiler, San Benedicto Island

Weather: Winds: 10/12 NW Waves: 2/3 ft medium swell Visibility: 25 meters Water temperature: 23 degrees. No currents in those dives

“WOW!!” Today we can say that is the most repeated word of our guests. We arrive here last night since we wanted to take advantage of this good weather and be alone in one of our best spots. In the first immersion we had at least 5 big mantas (chevron and black) absolutely all the dive interacting with the divers. Group of about 8/10 dolphins came to play with happiness with the guests. Clients words also are “insane, crazy, best dive ever” and this is all that we want to hear! In the second dive here at boiler we have the other word that describes these dives “unbelievable”. Again group of 3/4 mantas playing and swimming with our divers all the immersion. Will see what happens this evening and after dinner heading to Socorro to continue the adventure.

– Captain Josef

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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