Location:Lat. 18 22.42N Long 114 44.93W
Weather:Water temp 24-25C Vis 100 ft mild current to South
Status:Underway to Punta Tosca, Socorro Island
We just departed to Punta Tosca at Socorro Island. Weather forecast doesn’t look good at Roca Partida, so we are going direct to Socorro. Having an ETA tomorrow noon. We dove today at Roca Piramide which is on the very South east point of Clarion, underwater lava fingers with hard coral on the top have lots of life. On both dives we had dolphins playing around, huge green turtles, a school of Horse Eye Jacks, White tip reef sharks, clarion angel fish, and more reef fish. In the last dive there were 2 Mobulas chasing a small baitball. Water visibility was great, but there where some areas with lot of plankton that made visibility decrease. Great dives that everyone liked. Yesterday’s dives were great as well. Dove at the pinacle called 3 fathom, a lot of reef live there, lots of species of reef fish, eels, Silvertips and reef white tips sharks. Wind started to increase and seas as well, it got rough at surface by the last two afternoon dives.
– Capt. Vicente