Captains Noon Report – Explorer – 2019-06-03

Location: San Benedicto Island
Weather: Winds: 8/10W Waves:calm cloudy sky
Status: visibility 25/30m W/T 22 degrees

We are anchored between “el Fondeadero” and “el Canyon” . Our first dive of the day is done. We began by doing a buoyancy check and then we can start our wonderful week of diving. After this check and with all in order they can start the dives. One of the groups saw 5 big mantas at the same time, and the others saw groups of silkies and lobsters. Second round was awesome too, but no mantas to see. Silkies, whitetips, blacktips, silvertips and dolphins are there and our divers really enjoyed it. We are anticipating to see what happens this evening!
– Capt. Josep

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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