Location:N 19 19.7, Lon W 110 48.7
Weather: winds NW 6-8 kts warm water 23-24 degrees, the visibility between 20-25 mts
Status: El Boiler
First dive this morning was really good, our divers could see a small pack of 6 dolphins, two deep hammerheads, three chevron mantas and a some jacks around the rock. The second dive offered our divers almost the same animal action that the first one, but this time was only two dolphins at the beginning of the dive and the end they said, they could hear some dolphins but they couldn’t see them. Again the mantas were present. Two chevron mantas this dive. Our guests are ready for the next two dives in the Boiler. After dives we are going to have our dinner here at anchor and at 2130 we departure to Roca Partida for an other excellent dive day.
– Capt. Gilberto