Location: Lat 29 08.00N Long 118 17.04W.
Weather: Light wind, Sunny sky, Water Vis 100+ft, water temp 20C
Status: At anchor at Guadalupe Island in 257 ft depth.
From a gray and chilly day yesterday, today has turned into a beautiful hot day. We have clear, sunny skies, crystal clear water and of course, Sharks! We started the morning with good action. There have been sharks around since we opened the cages and there has been constant action since then. Jacques has been here today again plus another 5 different sharks. There is one shark with several fresh bite marks along his right side, we are trying to identifying him. Yesterday afternoon Jacques and Rhett were the sharks that we could identify. We had an amazing full body breach this morning, the shark breached 8 meters away from the port quarter. Most of guests that were on the back deck saw it, but nobody could get it on camera as it was unexpected.
-Captain Vicente