Location: Lat 29 08.31N Long 118 17.06W. 0.160 NM from shore.
Weather: Light winds, NNE 1-3 ft swell Clear Sunny Sky Water Visibility 100+ft, water temperature 20C.
Status: At anchor at Guadalupe Island in 260 ft depth.
Arrived last night at Guadalupe after a nice and smooth ride from Ensenada. This morning guests were excited and ready to jump into the cages and see some sharks. The first shark appeared before 7am and we have had constant shark action since then. We have seen around 9 different sharks, 4 females and 5 males. The one that we identified right away was Paul Walker. He has been around the whole morning and has taken a couple of tunas from the wranglers. Everyone has enjoyed the morning.
-Captain Vicente