Location: Lat 29 07.81N Long 118 17.07W
Weather: Winds SE 10 Kts and 1-2 ft SE windswell Water Visibility 90+ft, water temperature 21C
Status: At anchor at Guadalupe Island in 225 ft depth
Yesterday was a great day with sharks around all day and the afternoon was great! We probably saw 9 different sharks in the whole day! We saw Sad Face, Rhett, Geoff Nuttal and Paul Walker, among others. This morning has been amazing, we saw 7 different sharks so far including Sad Face, Paul Walker, English, Pearl (new female named a few trips ago, doesn’t appear in the book) and Luca Arnone. There is one big female, same one from yesterday that has breached a couple of times, Sad Face as well. It has been a really good day, everyone is enjoying the show.
– Captain Vicente