Captain’s Noon Report – Nautilus Gallant Lady – 2019-09-30

Status: anchored at La Reina. 25.0m depth

From one extreme to the other! The divers returned last night to the Gallant Lady from Cabo Pulmo very happy. They saw lots of Bull Sharks and massive schools of reef fish. As soon as they finished dinner they were all asleep within minutes! As soon as they were back on board we departed Cabo for La Reina. This morning whilst on passage to La Reina I spotted a large group of Sperm whales. We had to stop! We got the skiffs in the water very very quickly and told the group to just grab their mask fins and snorkel and go see them. Many of them jumped straight from the boat and swam to the whales. The group were like children at Christmas. It was an incredible sight. There’s a strong breeze and a little bit of swell and we are rolling, but it always proves to be a successful dive site. After here we will start heading north to Danzante to seek shelter from the next weather system approaching. It is like a totally different group from 2 days ago.

Capt. Oliver Johnston

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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