Captain’s Noon Report – Nautilus Gallant Lady – 2019-10-01

Weather: 28 C water temp.
Status: Danzante 70ft depth

Last nights passage was very bumpy. Arriving this morning to Danzante never disappoints. The guests were wowed by the stunning landscape of Danzante. Dive 1 was on the East side of Danzante. Visabilty was reported good at 18 metres. It was a beautiful reef with lots of Seargent Major fish, Parrot fish and Giant Dammsel fish. Dive 2 was very similar but more like a giant aquarium. One guest described it as an underwater garden. This site also had nesting Seargent Major fish. This afternoon we will go round to the west of the island for dives 3 and 4, where there is a sunken Mexican Navy minesweeper.

Capt. Oliver Johnston

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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