Captain’s Noon Report – Nautilus Under Sea – 2019-10-04

Location: 29 08.03N Long. 118 17.09W
Weather: Sunny skies. Calm wind and seas. Water temp: 67-68F, Visibility: 90+ft
Status: At Anchor at Guadalupe

Another beautiful morning at Guadalupe Island, with clear skies where the sun is bright and strong. Calm wind and seas and crystal clear water – perfect to see great white sharks! Today’s morning has been amazing. We have seen 7 different sharks, 5 males and two females. Identified sharks: Jacques and Nicole. We have had an active morning at surface. Most of the divers preferred to stay at surface instead of going in the submersible cages. There has been a couple of breaches from Nicole, who has been very active. We just saw a White Shark with a fresh bite mark on the right gills and missing one gill plate. Everyone is having a great time. Yesterday afternoon the action got slow around 2 pm, and it stayed like that most of the afternoon. One shark appeared when the shadow of the island reached our spot, and he stayed for awhile attempting to get the bait. Finished the day with a delicious taco night.

Capt. Vicente

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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