Location: Lat 29 07.92N Long. 118 17.05W
Weather: Water temp: 68F, Visibility: 80 ft
Status: At Anchor at Guadalupe, 245 ft depth
Mild current from North. Another beautiful day in Guadalupe, with clear and sunny skies and calm winds and seas. Today shark action hasn’t been as good as was yesterday. We have seen 4 different sharks so far, one of them that we saw this morning was Lucy again, she just came up from the deep stayed below the cages and went back down and we haven’t see her again. Today has been quite slow; Sharks come and go and sometimes a lot of time passes before we see a shark coming again. Yesterday was amazing. We saw around 9-10 different sharks in the whole day; Andy, Luca Arnnone and Sabrina were some identified sharks. Action didn’t stop until we closed the cages. Ended the day with a delicious taco night under the light of the moon.
Captain Vicente