Location: Lat 29 07.95N Long. 118 17.05W
Weather: Water temp 68F, Visibility 90+ ft Mild current to North
Status: At Anchor at Guadalupe, 248 ft depth
Last diving day of the trip. It has been a good morning with around 5 different sharks, but it can’t compare to our first diving day. We saw first shark early morning few minutes after we started wrangling. Sharks have been pretty quiet this morning, they come up to surface, around the boat try to take the hanging bait and then go away for a while and then came back again and repeat the same. Andy has been around this morning, and has given some good action the time he has been here. Guests are enjoying sharks from the cages and from the sun deck. Yesterday afternoon was crazy. The last 2 hours of the day we saw probably around 6 different sharks. We think we saw totally 10 different sharks in the day.
Capt. Vicente