Location: 29.08.67N – 118.17.09W
Weather: sunny day, light SE breeze, no current.
Status: Guadalupe “sweet spot” anchored in 250Ft
I wish I can say it but there is no way for us to tell the visibility as the amount of fish in the water would let you see, I estimate maybe 80 feet. So many fish in the water, the yellow fin tunas are feasting on them along with the yellow tail jacks. The morning has been mellow, there is this one shark that is the wrangler’s nightmare. So fast and sneaky and keeps taking the tuna. The highlight of the day has been the dolphins parading in from of the surface cages. Now yesterday afternoon was a different story. Guests who have been here several times said ITS BEEN THE BEST FOUR HOURS OF SHARK ACTION WE HAD AT GUADALUPE ISLAND.
– Captain Beto