Location: 29° 08.5’N / 118° 17’ W
Weather: W/T: 19°/20° VZ: 30/35
Status: Guadalupe Island / Monkey Face spot Depth 262ft
Calm seas. Calm sunny sky. Beautiful morning today in the Island of the Sharks… incredible visibility in the water, clear sunrise and nice warm breeze that makes this day a perfect day in terms of weather conditions. Since early morning, the sharks have been around the submersible and surface cages and together with the visibility, it’s making our diver’s days! We are able to identify Slash Fin and Andy ( our best coworkers in the water since my start in Guadalupe). Also, at least two big females are around the surface and another three to four non identified white sharks are swimming around the submersible cages during all the dives. Best dives and conditions to start that amazing trip. Guests are commenting again with the sweet words “ best day in my life” and“awesome”
Capt Josep