Location: 29° 08.5’N / 118° 17’ W
Weather: Light breeze form the SE, Calm partial sunny/cloudy, Water Temperature: 19°/20° Visibility: 20/25
Status: Guadalupe Island / Monkey Face spot
Yesterday after dinner we had the Guadalupe Island presentation with all guests involved. It was great to see all of them in the saloon for the activities that are not mandatory, such as the briefings. The evening had incredible shark action, especially in the surface cages: juveniles, males and females were playing with our wranglers and we lost a few tunas in that game. Exciting shark ID again with all divers working hard on the identification: Bella, Jette, Luca Arnonne, Netpune, Sabrina and Mace (Scarface for friends) were identified. At least 3 or 4 more sharks were playing the game with us. What a day we had yesterday! Since 7:30/8:00 they are waking up and starting the dives after a tasty coffee. In the early morning, a fast and smart juvenile was swimming around the vessel, also scarface was there again. Then since 10:00 the action slowed but we never know when this can change. For me, the last 2 days were some of the best days I spent on the island.
-Captain Josep