Location: 18° 46.6’ N / 111° 02.91’ Socorro Island, “Punta Tosca”
Weather: Wind: Light breeze from NW, Seas: Medium swell 4-6 ft. Open and sunny sky.
Yesterday very happy we said good bye to Roca Partida, the big rock gave us such an amazing day. We arrive to Roca O’neil today at 0600 for our first dive, wow just in the first dive alone, our guests saw 7 hammerheads, one chevron manta and one black manta, 10 dolphins and some giant lobsters. Visibility was around 60 ft and water temperature around 80-81 F. After the first dive we moved to Punta Tosca, another incredible dive, one of the groups saw one tiger shark, big female around 3 mts long, the other guests saw 3 black mantas, 4 hammerheads, silvertips and 2 chevron mantas. Our guests are eating right now and excited for the last dive of the day. After the third dive we will move to the navy base for the inspection and then move to Cabo Pearce to spend the night there. All guests & crew are doing great.
- Captain Gilberto