Location: 19° 17.7’ N / 110° 48.5’
Weather: Wind: ENE 4-8 kts, Seas: ENE 2-4 ft. Overcast sky with some patches of clear sky. Visibility 25 m, Water temperature 81 F.
Status: San Benedicto Island, “The Canyon”
Yesterday we finished the day diving in the boiler. There were a lot of Mantas and in the last dive some of the divers could see a tiger shark. This morning we had good dives and the conditions were good. The action was good, there were galapagos sharks, a lot of silvertips in the receiver, and one chevron manta a little bit far in the blue. The second dive had same conditions, and the action on the second dive was super great. Most of the divers could see the silvertips on the receiver, one hammerhead and some galapagos sharks and black tip reef sharks. One of the groups had a super dive, they could see a school of hammerheads really close to them and a big group of dolphins, they all come to the surface screaming and super excited.
– Captain Gilberto