Captain’s Noon Report – Explorer – 2019-12-04

Location: 19° 17.6’N / 110° 48’ W
Weather: Water Temperature: 27° Visibility: 30/35 meters, Wind: 2/5 NW, light swell from the NE partial sunny sky
Status: South of San Benedicto Island (el fondeadero)

I will never be tired of arriving to this island! When you wake up in the morning and see this view, the sunrise while we start the operation of the skiffs and the earliest guests have a tasty coffee…. It’s impossible to be tired of that! After the first dive of the day we confirmed the expectations of this place, it’s full of life. (what a check dive!!) Galapagos shark, at least 3 Big Mantas, dolphins including a baby one and group of silvertips swimming around. On the second dive of the day, the divers had the opportunity to go to the area of manta rock/el canyon and they were able to see a small group of hammerheads, several silvertips; also juveniles, chevron mantas and Galapagos sharks again. Looks like we going to have a good trip in the beginning of this season at Socorro! This evening taco night and we will begin heading to Cabo Pearce.
– Captain Josep

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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