Location: 18° 46.6’N / 110 ° 54.2’ W
Weather: Light breeze from NW, 1ft light swell from NE sunny sky, Water Temperature: 25°/26° Visibility: 20/25 meters Strong N currents
Status: Socorro Island (cabo Pearce)
This morning the guests woke up in Cabo Pearce with the usual excitement. The seas are pretty calm but the medium/strong currents as usual here make the first dive a bit harder than yesterday in San Benedicto. That’s perfect to have a good hot breakfast after the dive! Big bait balls are flooding around the divers and this is spectacular. Also, a lonely manta and few kinds of reef fish. The geology of this location is incredible and the divers enjoy that. On the second dive, it was better with hammerheads and 1 chevron manta and one black manta. Also on that second dive the currents descended a lot and the visibility increased to about 30 meters. This afternoon, after the next (3rd) dive we will go to the navy inspection, then silky snorkel in Tosca and after dinner we will start heading to Roca Partida!
– Captain Josep