Location: Lat 18 59.47N Long. 112 05.5W.
Weather: Sunny Day NE wind 11-15 kts; Seas NE 2-5 ft Water Temp 25C. Visibility 70+ ft Mild current from NEA
Status: At Roca Partida, adrift.
Second day at Roca Partida, the weather is better than yesterday morning, but still a bit windy. We have one dive done and second one about to finish. The first dive was great, mostly same action as yesterday lot of sharks, whitetip reef, galapagos, silvertips and silkies, schools of bonitos, jacks and tunas. But, the star of the show was a HUGE female whale shark swimming around the rock. Everyone was astonished to see the huge creature and everyone returned back to the boat super happy. Looking forward to a great day and great dives. We will depart tonight to the boiler for dives tomorrow there.
– Captain Vicente