Location: 18° 59.46’ N / 112° 04.85’
Weather: Wind: NE 4-8 kts, Seas: swell NW 4-6 ft. Open and sunny sky. Visibility 25+ meters, Water temperature 26C.
Status: At Roca Partida
Yesterday we finished in the canyon with really good dives. We saw tiger sharks and a lot of silvertips, Galapagos and Hammerhead sharks. Our divers were really happy yesterday. Today we arrived at Roca Partida around 6AM and there were no other boats so we had Roca Partida for ourselves. The first dive was good and the animal action was good too. There were some Hammerheads, Silvertips and Galapagos sharks and two small chevron mantas. The second dive was much better, there were a lot of tunas and wahoos, galapagos and silvertip sharks and one whale shark. It was a super friendly whale shark they said.
– Captain Gilberto