Location:18° 46.61’ N / 111° 02.92’ Punta Tosca
Weather:Wind: NE 4-8 kts, Seas: swell NW 4-6 ft. +70 ft visibility, 78 F temperature
Open and sunny sky. Yesterday we finish in Roca partida, same action but no whale shark, some sharks and a lots of jacks. Today we dove the first two dives in Roca O'Neil, the first one super amazing dive, +70 ft visibility, 78 F temperature and light current to the N, all the groups saw a lot of dolphins around 20 super friendly dolphins were with them, hammerheads and one manta also in the first dive. The second dive was not as good as the first one, one of the groups saw 10 hammerheads, now we move to Punta Tosca for the third dive today after here we will move to the check in in the Navy Base.
-Captain Gilberto