Location: Pos. Lat 18 46.4N Long. 110 54.6W
Weather: Sunny day with low clouds. N 8-10 kts wind; Seas 1-3 ft NNE , Water Temp 26C. Visibility 50-60 ft
Yesterday at the Boiler we had a great lst dive of the day. A big chevron Manta was waiting for the divers and stayed with them for the whole dive. As soon as divers jump in the water there was this manta, and when they came out the manta was still there. Smiles and laughs was all at the end of the day.
First dive today was kind of challenging as there was a strong current to the north and visibility was poor around 20-30 ft. Divers saw 3 Mantas, one of the groups was lucky as when they jump in the water they stayed in the same place with one Black Manta for the whole dive.
On the second dive, current decreased and direction changed to the East, visibility increased 50-60 ft and there was no Manta, but instead of Manta there was a school of 30 hammerheads and 5 dolphins that spent some time with the divers.
Looking for one more dive before going to the Navy Base.
-Captain Vicente